SPEECHLESS : patut lah pergelangan aku asyik sakit :((

assalamualaikum.. korang.. bagi yang selalu mengadap laptop tu.. selalu menaip tu.. ade tak tanda2 yg mcm amal rase??

ni haa


  • Numbness or tingling in the thumb and next two or three fingers of one or both hands
  • Numbness or tingling of the palm of the hand
  • Pain extending to the elbow
  • Pain in wrist or hand in one or both hands
  • Problems with fine finger movements (coordination) in one or both hands
  • Wasting away of the muscle under the thumb (in advanced or long-term cases)
  • Weak grip or difficulty carrying bags (a common complaint)
  • Weakness in one or both hands

Signs and tests

During a physical examination, the doctor may find:
  • Numbness in the palm, thumb, index finger, middle finger, and thumb side of the ring finger
  • Weak hand grip
  • Tapping over the median nerve at the wrist may cause pain to shoot from the wrist to the hand (this is called Tinel's sign)
  • Bending the wrist forward all the way for 60 seconds will usually result in numbness, tingling, or weakness (this is called Phalen's test)

    amal ade beberapa symptom2 tersebut.. haihh tktnyee..

    kwn la tegur tnye.. taip laju2 ni tk sakit tgn ke.. hukhuk

    nah bce ni :((

    hati2 ea korang.. dptkan cara menaip yg betul.. dan kedudukan pergelangan tgn yg betul..

    klik pd link2  kat ats utk tahu selanjutnye tntg ape yg amal mksdkan.. tq..:((

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