when the time had come ~

assalamualaikum .. hai .. 

saje tulis entry ni sebab sbnrnye sekarang sedang musim exam..so amal malas nak fikir byk..


wanna know ? it is my short sem ( sem 3 ) in this cfs iium .. and it's going to the end..

and amal rase sedih :( huhu 

bukannyer ape .. mane lah tahu kan .. kuasa allah ..

:)  kite xtahu bila kite mati , ataupun ape2 lagi lahh yang terjadi ..

sejak masuk cfs ni amal rase takut .. sebab ape ? hoo .. sebab takut tgk kakak2 yg serius.hehe.

tapi bile dah kenal..xde lah takut sgt..sume friendly :)

and mcm2 benda lahh jugak dah dilalui..mase 1st sem..mane nak kenal ramai org sgt kan..so mcm sunyi lahh jgk..tambah2 dpt kelas dgn sume budak2 vouge..seriously i not vouge as they are..so amal byk diam je dlm kelas mase 1st sem..

and then sem 2..mase mula2 tu memang rase nak nangis sgt2.. ye lahh sbb daftar dulu group lain..bila dpt jadual xlgkap..dgn group berterabur..haishh..

seminggu lah jgk xg kelas semata-mata nak setel bnda tu..sabar je lahh kan..and berkat kesabaran alhamdulillah sgt2 sebab lps tu kelas sgt best..i met new classmates..and diorang sikit pun xsombong :) best sgt..berkat kesabaran jgk my result alhamdulillah :)

and this sem3..yes before i start my class..it was a bit chaos here and there..and i went many places with my classmates a.k.a roomates .. and we settle it..done :) and many new and HAPPY things i had met..

i am so happy to have them in my life <3 really .. thanks to allah for giving me such these awesome things :D

so before this sem 3 end .. i wanna do my best here ( at cfs iium ) ..

i wanna make my friends happy .. and of course myself too ! <3 hehe

spending time together dgn diorang ..

and now i felt that sem 3 ni lah sem plg best pernah amal rasekan ! hee :)

many new things happen to me 

and many things that make me happy too ! 

here in this cfs iium i do love , love very very much , damn much :

- myself .. :)
- my old friends ( since 1st sem )
- new friends ( classmates / fb friends )
- beautiful mosque
- dormates / roomates 
- my study table 
- my lecturers 
- all the subjects that i learnt here
- restaurants there 
- library 
- dataran nilai
- tesco
- giant
- fun fair
- and my experiences <3

semua benda ni buat amal semakin matang ( matang sangat lahh konon kann ? haha )

and semua benda nie jugak ajar amal byk benda .. untuk bezakan mane baik and mane buruk ..

amal rase sangat bertuah ditempatkan di cfs iium ni..walaupun baru cfs lah kan..tapi jujur..it teach me a lot !!

byk ilmu baru amal dapat kat sini ..

amal sayangg cgt2 tempat ni and orang2 kat sini :)

betul ! amal tak tipu oke ^_^

itu lahh..kalau ditakdirkan pd mase depan..amal bukan lagi kat sini..amal sedih sangat..percayalah amal bukan sengaja buat macam tu..

semua ada sebab tersendiri ..

and amal percaya mesti ade hikmah dengan setiap yang allah dah tetapkan !! :D

hem ! sampai sini saje .. maaf sebab kali ni tak lah ade pengisian mane pun..cuma saje nak kongsikan perjalanan hidup kat cfs iium ni :) thats all .. all the best to all of you ^_^

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